Posted on 02. Nov, 2013 by admin in Blog

Posted on 18. Jan, 2011 by Lori Burnett in Blog, Travel
The single pillar pagoda, was built by an ancient king who was sonless. In a dream Confucius came to him and presented him with a son. Nine months later, Ruler Jr. was born. Kingo built the pagoda to reflect the building as it appeared in the dream.
Posted on 17. Jan, 2011 by Lori Burnett in Blog, Travel
The beautiful greens around the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum.
Posted on 14. Jan, 2011 by Lori Burnett in Blog, Travel
Lori continued to acquit herself admirably at cooking session 2 and following yet another feast we wandered through the village, visiting the famous Japanese covered bridge which was replete with tourists not interested in vacating the site to enable Lori an unobstructed view. I pulled a 20,000 Dong note out of my pocket that displayed […]
Posted on 13. Jan, 2011 by Lori Burnett in Blog, Travel
Now for a little educational piece for all of you who have wondered why incense is burned in all Asian temples and alters. Communicating with the dead is a vital part of the daily activities. Commemorating the departed is an essential aspect of their life. Birthdays are almost irrelevant in this culture. Your age is […]